I am a wife and a mother of three.




Please welcome the brilliant and talented, Lisa

Tell us a little about yourself?

Well, I'm a Yorkshire lass who now lives in bonny Scotland. I'm a mum, author and singer. I've been writing for around two years now, since I relocated, and I have written seven books in that time.

How would you describe your books?

I would class my books as passionate contemporary romance. They aren't explicit when it comes to names of body parts but they are quite spicy. 

What genre is your
work mainly? Do you tend to stay in the same vein or are you hoping ( if not already ) to explore new ventures?

I mainly write contemporary romance based in Scotland but I have a novella coming in November that is classed as paranormal. And I'm working on an erotic romance at the moment too so I guess I do like to try my hand at different genres.

Share with us a quote from one of your favourite characters in your books?

Greg from Bridge Over the Atlantic and Bridge of Hope: "I tolerate being only friends. If I'm honest I want more. Much more. I'm sorry but it's the truth. Can't you find room for me into your heart?"

Is it hard to come up with new idea's and / or plot's?

Honestly I have lots of things going in my head all at once and I usually write more than one books at once so my brain never switches off!

What inspired you to write your book?

My debut novel Bridge Over the Atlantic was inspired by a place in the Scottish Highlands that I visited on holiday before we relocated. But I kept the idea in the back of mind until we moved to Scotland and then I began to write..

Who is the easiest character to write for and Why? Hardest and why?

Greg from Bridge Over the Atlantic is the most fun to write. He has his own book from his own POV thanks to how much I loved writing him. He always says the wrong thing but I love him for that.

Without giving anything away, what is / are your favourite scenes in your book ( s )?

My over all favourite scene in ALL of my books is a scene in Bridge Over the Atlantic that includes a CD. That's all I can say.

Do you have any hobbies?

In my spare time (which I don't get much of!)  I'm a singer. I work with a guitarist and we have played a couple of local gigs.

Do you have a specific writing style?

Not really but I like to write conversations as they would be spoken and so I like to try them out aloud as I write.

How did you come up with the title?

For Bridge Over the Atlantic the title is simply the name of the bridge around which the story is set. Through the Glass's title comes from the way the main female lead paints her scenes.

 How much of the book is realistic? Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

I don't base my books on real people but there are elements of places I have been and experiences I have had that I have drawn from. But they aren't auto-biographical.

What books have most influenced your life most?

When I was younger my first love story was Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. But I loved reading Judy Blume and Betsy Byers books as a kid.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Oh gosh I have several people I look to for advice and mentoring. They would be Susan Lohrer, Denise Moncrief and Bernadette Marie. All wonderful authors and all who have taught me so much.

What book are you reading now?

I don't get much time to read these days which is a shame! At the moment I am editing so I am reading through my own work.

What are your current projects? If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your books?

I'm currently working on two stories one contemporary and one erotic. There isn't anything I would have done differently really. But I get so very nervous when they release and I can't read them myself until a while after!

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

I have always been into writing for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid it was stories and then I progressed to poetry and song lyrics.

 Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Knowing when to stop! I work so much on my books that I find it hard to let them go.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Gosh I have so many it's hard to narrow it down! I like books that fee natural and realistic. And books that tug at my hearts strings.

Who designed the covers?

My covers have been designed mainly by Viola Estrella of Estrella Cover Art. She is AMAZING!

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

There is a particular scene in Bridge Over the Atlantic that broke my heart. I sat sobbing at my keyboard as I wrote it.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I learned that I am my own worst critic! I think I am tougher on myself than I maybe should be.

 Do you have any advice for other writers?

Just do it! It's something that you don't know if you can do it until you give it a go!

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

My books don't really have a specific message. I simply write books that I hope people enjoy.

What is your favourite genre to write?

Contemporary romance

What is your favourite genre to read?

Contemporary romance

How long have you been writing for?

Only around two years officially.

What is your favourite  movie?


How  difficult is it to come up with one of your amazing plots?

I am inspired by music, places, Scotland. So there is always something to get the ideas flowing.

How about characters?  Are they easily born and developed?

The characters kind of invent themselves. I have known me to have a specific idea for a character and then for things to go off at a different tangent. One character in Through the Glass was only supposed to be in one scene and then he got louder and wouldn't be ignored! He ended up with a bigger role than I had intended!

How long does it take you to complete a novel from concept to completion?

It varies and depends on how many things I am working on at once! Usually it's around a few months.

What was your first published piece? And how was it to publish your first book?

Bridge Over the Atlantic was my first officially published novel but I began writing for an online magazine before that based on my relocation from Yorkshire to Scotland.

 Have  you ever trashed a novel or story before or after finishing it, feeling it wasn't turning out as you planned?

No but I have started books and then shelved them for a long while before I have gone back to them.

Out of all your brilliant  characters  Which ones were you favourite?

Greg and Mallory by far. But second to that would be Adam and Lily from my third book The Girl Before Eve.

 Do you have a special time or place to write?

I write in my dining room at an old bureau my hubby bought me from an antiques warehouse. But I tend to write when the mood takes me. And when the ideas flow. Writing can't be forced.

 Any funny experiences or quirks you'd like to share with your readers?

I am terrified of flying and I attended my very first ever official author signing event in Dublin this year which meant flying! I was very proud of myself! So much so that I am doing it again next year!

Which one of your awesome  books would you like to see be made in to a movie?

Bridge Over the Atlantic would be my choice and people who have read it have said they could see it on the big screen too which is a real compliment.

What was the worse job you ever done?

I have had lots of jobs I didn't enjoy really! It took me a while to find what I loved.

Do you ever get any ideas at random moments, and if so how do you hand on to them?

Oh good grief yes! Usually at 4am. I usually go downstairs and type up notes or type them onto my tablet. I have learned to keep a note pad and pen handy!

Can you write on demand and under pressure, or do you need time and space before the creativity starts to flow and how do you over come writers block?

I don't like to write under pressure. I don't feel the ideas flow if you force it. Writers block usually occurs when I am tired or in a bad mood. I try to avoid sitting down to write at these times.

 Who was your inspiration  behind your lead men in your books?

I suppose my hubby has been a huge inspiration although none of my characters are actually based on him. But he is quite rugged looking with a beard, tattoos and shaggy hair and so are several of my male characters!  - YUM!

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