I am a wife and a mother of three.



Author Interview
Scarlett Le Clair

Hello Scarlett, How are you today? 

I'm Good, thanks for having me! 

Can you tell us a little about yourself? 

I'm from a small village in the South Wales valleys. I've always loved reading and now writing too.

When did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

 I didn't, not really, I had seen a competition for a short story from a publishing house that was close to home. 
I decided to try it and was successful. That gave me the confidence to try a full story. 

How much of your books are realistic? 

Um, well. A lot of authors draw from experience when writing but non of my books are based on real life in anyway.

How many books have you written so far? 

 I have three out so far, two erotic romance and one zombie horror. My fourth book, Book #3 in my erotic romance trilogy is out on the 25th of July.

What has been the best reaction to one of your books that you've had from a reader? 

After reading my Zombie story, one man said he wanted to punch me in the face. He was joking of course, I think I shocked him with the ending lol. 

Do you have a favourite character from all of your books, who is it and why are they your favourite? 

George, because he goes through so much, and is a family man. 

Who do you think is your readers favourite character?

 Luke, from the Torn Trilogy because he's hot! 

Is your real name your author name or just a pen name? 

 This is my pen name. I wanted to start writing children's books too which will be published under my real name. 

If you could have any of your books made into a film 
what one would it be and why? 

George: The Long Road Home. Because I love the story of a survivor, the obstacles they need to overcome just to stay alive never mind thrive in an apocalyptic world.

How would you describe yourself? 

Nerdy, Dirty, Curvy, Kind.

What are your best qualities? 

I try to see the best in people and sometimes work hard to help people even when they don't deserve it.

What are you reading at the moment? 

Wolves love red by C. C Genovese.
What were your goals and intentions when you wrote your first book and do you feel you achieved them? 

I just wanted to be published and for people to enjoy my
 books. So far all of my reviews have been positive 
and I'm happy with that.

What is the hardest thing about writing your 
books and the easiest? 

I love sitting down with a new idea and writing a plan.
 I absolutely hate editing.
Do you have a certain place you like to write ? 

Nope I'll write anywhere. I even have the
 word app on my phone.

Is there a certain subject that you wouldn't write
 about as a author? 

I don't like any type of incest or abuse.
What advice do you have for aspiring authors?

 Just keep at it, never give up your dreams.
Are there certain type of scene that is harder to 
write than others?

 For me it's one where there's lots of dialogue. Give me a sex scene and I'll fly through it but anything else I’m real slow. 

What did you do before becoming an author?

 I read lol. 

What is your favourite movie? 

Any of the Harry potters.
Do you have a favourite song?

Not really. I like, Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars.

What star sign are you? 

If you had to do your debut book all over again
 would you change anything? 

I would have self published.

What was your favourite book growing up?

 Enid Blytons, the faraway tree. 

What do your family and friends think about your being an author and have any of them read your work? 

My best friend Sian was amazing and must have read Torn about five times(because of edits) and still bought a copy when it came out, my sister has also read all of my books.
My husband and parents are very supportive but non of hen have read any of my work. 

What is your favourite food? 

Anything with peanut butter on.
What are you like in the kitchen and do you have a specialty?

 I hate cooking. My best dish is a roast chicken dinner with all the vegetables and my homemade roast potatoes. 

Do you have a any tattoos or body piercings? 

No tattoos, I'm a wimp although I have booked in for my first one at the beginning of 2017.

Do you write full or part time? 

Part time as my youngest is not yet in full time school. 

 Do you have any surprises up your sleeve?

 I'm going to be moving away from the erotica scene at the end of this year and moving onto horror. I am currently working on a secret project with author Lizzie James.

Where do you see yourself in ten years time? 

 Hopefully as a household name.

Can you tell me how you came to have the model guy 
on your latest book?

I was interviewing him for my blog and he mentioned that if I knew of any authors looking for cover pics, then he had some available. I was about 80% through George but when I seen the image I knew it was right for the book.
Elman makes and awesome zombie killer lol

Do you have anything else you would like to
 tell your readers? 

Thank you for reading my books. I really appreciate
 the support and love.


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